articles / Pop Culture

Get Well Soon, MTT!

Michael Tilson Thomas Leading the San Francisco Symphony | Photo by Kristen Loken

We just got word from the San Francisco Symphony that Music Director Michael Tilson Thomas had a successful heart operation at the Cleveland Clinic and is recovering well. The doctors have called the procedures a complete success and have said that his heart is performing at 100%. MTT had canceled three concerts that he was scheduled to lead at the end of this current season (including this week), to have what he called a “continuation of treatment for a heart condition I have managed for many years.”

MTT is currently recuperating at the Clinic and will return to the San Francisco area in the near future where he will spend the summer convalescing and preparing to open the San Francisco Symphony season in September. It will be his final season as the Symphony’s Music Director, and the Gala Opening Night on September 4 will be broadcast live on KDFC.

Written by:
Rik Malone
Rik Malone
Published on 06.25.2019