articles / Pop Culture

An Observation as I Move On

After announcing my retirement, someone asked me to describe the last few weeks on the air as I wind up an amazing career. “Weird and wonderful” came to mind. Weird because I never took stock of how many people are listening and wonderful because I have been afforded the chance to control the beginning and end of my professional life. That is amazing to me as so many of my talented co-workers over the years were simply asked to go home, for good, when they reached a certain age. I was so fortunate to reconnect with timeless classical music.

It’s been a bit weird to have received so many wonderful cards, letters and emails. We are taught that radio is the most personal medium and that we are, or should be, talking to one person at a time (even in a carpool!). So to have such a response from so many listeners when I feel as if I am talking to just one person daily, well, as a famous robot once said “It does not compute”.

Thank you for letting me share the bits of history, centuries worth of spectacular music and my quirky sense of humor. I’m glad that what I found amusing hit home with you as well. It’s an odd thing to guess what might make someone chuckle when you can’t actually see them. Then again, I only steal humor from the best.

Thank you for so many wonderful years in your radio and for your continued support of Classical KDFC.

Now, where? Oh yes. Second star to the right and straight on till morning.

Written by:
Hoyt Smith
Hoyt Smith
Published on 05.11.2018