With the SF Opera’s season well underway, now is a great time to celebrate all things opera. In fact, October 28 through November 6 has been declared National Opera Week 2016. Fashion designer and opera aficionado Issac Mizrahi is the honorary chairman of the effort, which aims to get more people excited about opera. You know who else is excited by opera? Distinguished Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, (affectionately known as the Notorious RBG!). The 83 year-old Justice Ginsburg fulfills a life-long dream this month when she appears (for one night only) in a non-singing role in Donizetti’s comedy, The Daughter of the Regiment at the Washington National Opera in D.C.
Here are RBG’s recommendations for the Top 5 Operas of all time:
Marriage of Figaro
Don Giovanni
Der Rosenkavalier
The Girl of the Golden West
Read more here.