articles / Pop Culture

Maria Callas: the Hologram Tour!

Other-worldly, amazing, captivating, and creepy. All these words apply to a new concert tour starring a woman who has been dead since 1977. The great diva-to-end-all-divas, Maria Callas is back on stage through the magic (technology really) of holograms. (Think Tupac Shakur at Coachella and Michael Jackson at the 2014 Billboard Awards Show.)

The hologram of Maria Callas live on stage | Photo by Evan Agostini for BASE Hologram

In Callas in Concert, “Callas” sings her hits accompanied by a real orchestra, led by a living, breathing conductor. The promoters promise: “As this unprecedented performance unfolds, you will surrender all notions of what is real and get lost in the magic of perhaps the best opera singer of all time.” Anthony Tommasini wrote in his review for the New York Times: “It was amazing, yet also absurd; strangely captivating, yet also campy and ridiculous.” Read more of Tommasini’s review, in which he posits that opera is the musical genre best-suited for the “hologram” treatment.

You can find tour dates and watch a few moments of this, uh, phenomenon at

Written by:
Dianne Nicolini
Dianne Nicolini
Published on 04.01.2019