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Neighborhood Arts Spotlight: October 2017

Classical KDFC Neighborhood Arts Spotlight, showcasing the great work of the Bay Area’s lesser-known, but no less important, non-profit Arts Organizations!

The Bay Area’s Arts Community boasts hundreds of organizations: music, theater, dance, visual arts, digital arts, and many that are breaking new ground in ways that are hard to classify! Many of these groups are small with shoe-string budgets and limited resources, so their inspired and sometimes groundbreaking work often goes virtually unnoticed. Click here to apply!

This month, the Classical KDFC Neighborhood Arts Spotlight shines on:

Crowded Fire Theater Company

Founded nearly 20 years ago in Potrero Hill, Crowded Fire’s ensemble produces poetic theater by new and contemporary artists that is bold, adventurous, innovative, and addresses the diverse political and social concerns of audiences.
In addition to two-to-three mainstage shows each season, they offer “The Matchbox: Commissioning and Development Program”, which actively supports the creation of high-quality contemporary theater through commissions, in-house workshops, an R&D Lab, and an annual free public reading series.

Listen to our Neighborhood Arts Spotlight on Crowded Fire Theater Company below:

Neighborhood Arts Spotlight: October 2017

Works/San José

Founded 40 years ago in Downtown San Jose, Works/San José serves as the South Bay community’s creative laboratory where people can experiment, exhibit and engage with art and with each other. Works/San José has 8-10 group exhibitions each year with a focus on artists, communities and ideas that expand definitions of art and performance, and their guest curator program ensures that artists who may not ordinarily have opportunities to exhibit their work are welcomed and encouraged.

Listen to our Neighborhood Arts Spotlight on Works/San José below:

Neighborhood Arts Spotlight: October 2017

Master Sinfonia Chamber Orchestra in Los Altos

An all-volunteer organization founded in 1965, the orchestra has a season of four pairs of concerts, showcasing standard repertory as well as the music of living composers, women composers, and 20th century composers. Their nearly 50 musicians are frequently joined by locally-based soloists of international stature as well as choral groups, and they sponsor an annual concerto competition for young musicians between the ages of 15 and 20 living in San Mateo or Santa Clara counties.

Listen to our Neighborhood Arts Spotlight on Master Sinfonia Chamber Orchestra below:

Neighborhood Arts Spotlight: October 2017

Impromptu No Tutu Elder Dance Ensemble from the Albany Senior Center

The Impromptu No Tutu Ensemble are dancers age 50-90+, celebrating their lives through movement, music, and percussion. Their mission: inspire a new view of aging as a crescendo of creativity and community. By highlighting the fierce creative dance spirit of older women, they defy all expectations of what dancers up to age 90 can express through committed, risk-taking and mindful movement. They offer accessible classes, participatory public events and educational experiences for elder and younger generations to bond and exchange wisdom through the arts of dance and music.

Listen to our Neighborhood Arts Spotlight on Impromptu No Tutu Elder Dance Ensemble below:

Neighborhood Arts Spotlight: October 2017
Written by:
The Classical Team
The Classical Team
Published on 05.11.2018