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SF Music Day Returns This Sunday with Free Concerts

With more than 30 performing ensembles, and more than 7 and a half hours of concerts, Intermusic SF‘s yearly celebration of music of all kinds returns with SF Music Day. On Sunday, starting at noon at the War Memorial Veterans Building, the concerts begin, spread over four stages.

SF Music Day Returns This Sunday with Free Concerts

There’s more information, including a complete schedule, at Intermusic SF’s website.

“Our overriding idea is just to present as much free music to the public that we can, that represents a wide variety of styles and instrumentation and musical focus,” says Cory Combs, Executive Director of Intermusic SF. “Some listeners come to follow a style, so we definitely make it very easy for those that are there for a particular genre to follow that throughout the course of the day. We also hope and encourage people to branch out and experience something brand new, to put your finger on the program book somewhere that’s unfamiliar and take a listen. The informal nature allows you to come and go.” The theme this year is “Rebels and Renegades,” which Combs says can be interpreted several ways. “The idea being that ensemble leaders and participating musicians could think about that prompt to say ‘what inspired you about the music you’re playing? What’s keeping you driving and pushing forward?” Amando Castellano is Director of Quinteto Latino, in which he also plays the French horn. “Quinetto Latino is a unique ensemble in both the type of performances we do, and the pieces we choose to play. We only play latino composers, and we’ve been doing that 16 years. It’s mostly wind quintets from the last hundred years, written by people who identify themselves as Latino.” Castellano says he looks forward to the event each year. “It’s just a really enriching and exciting day for me. Chamber music is my jam, so this is where I want to be. This is my day. Both to perform, and then to listen. Collegiality, audience development, it’s all there for me.”

Written by:
Jeffrey Freymann
Jeffrey Freymann
Published on 11.07.2019