Arts Alive Blog

The Lesser-Known History of “Jingle Bells”

The Lesser-Known History of “Jingle Bells”

Explore the history of the iconic Christmas song "Jingle Bells," from its creation by James Lord Pierpont in 1850 to its evolution and various renditions by famous artists over the years.

Chapman Challenge: The History of Handbells

Chapman Challenge: The History of Handbells

In this Chapman Challenge, Alan explains the history of handbells, their transition from bell tower practice tools to melody instruments, and how melodies are divided among ringers in a handbell choir.

What Makes a Christmas Concerto a Christmas Concerto?

What Makes a Christmas Concerto a Christmas Concerto?

In this Chapman Challenge, Alan explains that a Christmas concerto is a type of concerto grosso from the Baroque period, characterized by a Pastorale movement.

Chapman Challenge
John Carpenter, “Halloween” Composer for Hire

John Carpenter, “Halloween” Composer for Hire

Renowned director John Carpenter discusses his journey from filmmaker to musician, his approach to scoring his own films, and his experience working on the Halloween series.

The Secret Love Affair Hidden in Alban Berg’s “Lyric Suite”

The Secret Love Affair Hidden in Alban Berg’s “Lyric Suite”

Explore the hidden love story in Alban Berg's Lyric Suite. Discover how Berg used musical references, initials, and numerology to encode his affair with Hanna Fuchs-Robettin.

Chapman Challenge: The Story Behind Handel’s “Messiah”

Chapman Challenge: The Story Behind Handel’s “Messiah”

In this Chapman Challenge, Alan discusses Handel's journey with oratorios, from his first encounter in Italy to his profitable English oratorios, culminating in the creation of Messiah.

Chapman Challenge